Das Energieforum, organisiert von der Gemeinde Muri, der Energie Freiamt AG und der Repla Oberes Freiamt, lockte zahlreiche Teilnehmende an. Ehrengast mit einer gehaltvollen Grussbotschaft war Altbundesrätin Doris Leuthard.
Eine Murianerin spielt an der Handball-Europameisterschaft in der Schweiz! Am 28. November bis 3. Dezember bestreitet das Schweizer Frauen-Nationalteam seine Vorrundenspiele in der St. Jakobshalle in Basel.
Um an der Gemeindeversammlung den nächsten Planungskredit für die Entwicklung des Bahnhofareals beantragen zu können, will der Gemeinderat zuerst Klarheit mit allen Grundeigentümern schaffen.
Bea Klausner feiert ihr Direktionsjubiläum beim Regi-Chor Muri. Im Festsaal Muri trifft Chormusik auf Bigband-Sound. Die Jubiläumskonzerte vom Samstag und Sonntag, 9. und 10. November bieten ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit beliebten Ohrwürmern und allerlei Überraschungen.
Am Freitagabend trafen sich 15 Grossratskandidatinnen im Singisensaal. Dabei ging es in erster Linie nicht ums Politisieren. Gemeinsam diskutieren sie über die Stellung der Frau in der Gesellschaft.
Jacqueline Schmid ist die beste Aargauer Lehrabgängerin des Schweizer Fleisch-Fachverbands in diesem Jahr. Mit einer Gesamtnote von 5.4 qualifiziert sie sich für die Meisterschaft SwissSkills Championship 2024.
Ein landesweites Novum. Im Kanton Aargau werden junge Schweizer Frauen sowie niedergelassene Ausländerinnen und Ausländer ab sofort zu einen Infoanlass zum Thema Bevölkerungsschutz aufgeboten. Das Ziel? Nachwuchs rekrutieren.
Gemeinsame Wahlempfehlung der Bezirksparteien FDP, SVP, Die Mitte, SP, GLP und Grüne
Krimi-Fans und Hobby-Detektive kommen auf dem neuen Trail durch Muri auf ihre Kosten. Möglich macht es das Energie Forum, in Zusammenarbeit mit der SB Switzerland AG.
Am Dienstagabend, 18. Juni wurde im Rahmen der Präsentation des Schlussberichts zum Studienauftrag der Badi Muri das Gewinnerprojekt Tulipa der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
Log:Array ( [T: 0 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/index.php: 59: ] => Locale:de_DE, Language: de [T: 0,00052905082702637 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/index.php: 96: requestURIArray] => Array ( [0] => tc [1] => muri ) [T: 0,00063014030456543 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 288: ] => Endpoint does not exist apps/app---/tc/muri [T: 0,00064611434936523 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 288: ] => Endpoint does not exist apps/app---/tc [T: 0,00065803527832031 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 288: ] => Endpoint does not exist apps/blitz---/tc/muri [T: 0,00066709518432617 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 288: ] => Endpoint does not exist apps/blitz---/tc [T: 0,00068807601928711 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 134: ] => bcms\App::endpointExistsInApp [T: 0,00069212913513184 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 166: ] => bcms\App-bcms\App::defaultViewPath bcms tc/muri [T: 0,00071215629577637 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 181: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc/muri [T: 0,00071501731872559 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 138: ] => defaultViewPath: apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc/muri [T: 0,0007331371307373 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 159: ] => Endpoint does not exist apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc/muri apps/bcms---/tc/muri [T: 0,00074005126953125 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 134: ] => bcms\App::endpointExistsInApp [T: 0,00074315071105957 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 166: ] => bcms\App-bcms\App::defaultViewPath bcms tc [T: 0,00075507164001465 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 181: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc [T: 0,00075817108154297 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 138: ] => defaultViewPath: apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc [T: 0,00078821182250977 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/routing/requestParser.php: 281: ] => Array ( [appDir] => [dir] => bcms/ [fileBaseName] => tc [app] => bcms ) [T: 0,00079202651977539 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/index.php: 114: App] => bcms [T: 0,000946044921875 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: CUSTOM_CSS [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php [line] => 45 ) [T: 0,00095319747924805 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: CUSTOM_CSS [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php [line] => 54 ) [T: 0,0010740756988525 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 43: ] => bcms\App | Blitz\App-Blitz\App::__construct [T: 0,0010781288146973 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 44: ] => Array ( [dirname] => apps/bcms/ [fileBaseName] => tc [app] => bcms [appDir] => ) [T: 0,001082181930542 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 52: ] => tc [T: 0,0010859966278076 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 134: ] => bcms\App::endpointExistsInApp [T: 0,0010890960693359 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 166: ] => bcms\App-bcms\App::defaultViewPath bcms tc [T: 0,0011000633239746 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 181: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc [T: 0,0011041164398193 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 138: ] => defaultViewPath: apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc [T: 0,0011141300201416 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 74: ] => App, IsIncluded:false [T: 0,0011210441589355 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Accessing static property bcms\App::$template as non static [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php [line] => 79 ) [T: 0,0011260509490967 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Accessing static property bcms\App::$configs as non static [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php [line] => 79 ) [T: 0,0011441707611084 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,0011482238769531 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded: [T: 0,0011541843414307 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: tc [T: 0,0011591911315918 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => bcms\Componenttc [T: 0,0011792182922363 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0011851787567139 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,0011889934539795 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 116: ] => apps/bcms/tc.component.json [T: 0,001291036605835 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0012969970703125 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [json] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc.view.json ) [T: 0,0013041496276855 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 158: ] => adding controllerapps/bcms/tc.controller.php [T: 0,001317024230957 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0013220310211182 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0013260841369629 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0013279914855957 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0013320446014404 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0013351440429688 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0013401508331299 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0013430118560791 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0013470649719238 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: bcms LocalPath: tc [T: 0,001359224319458 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 514: ] => setLocale: | tc [T: 0,0013670921325684 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 179 ) [T: 0,0013701915740967 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => [T: 0,0013751983642578 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 185 ) [T: 0,001378059387207 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152 [T: 0,0013821125030518 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,0013861656188965 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 35 ) [T: 0,0013890266418457 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => [T: 0,001392126083374 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 36 ) [T: 0,0013961791992188 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,001399040222168 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,0014040470123291 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: Blitz Localpath: [T: 0,0014071464538574 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0014100074768066 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0014171600341797 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,0014231204986572 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0014262199401855 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,0021312236785889 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0021350383758545 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0021390914916992 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0021431446075439 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0021471977233887 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0021510124206543 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0021541118621826 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0021581649780273 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0021610260009766 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0021672248840332 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0021710395812988 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0021741390228271 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0021770000457764 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0021800994873047 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,002183198928833 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0021870136260986 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,002190113067627 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0021920204162598 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0021960735321045 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => apps/bcms/paywall [T: 0,0022010803222656 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: paywall [T: 0,0022041797637939 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152apps/bcms/paywall [T: 0,0022151470184326 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,0022192001342773 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => apps/bcms/paywall [T: 0,0022251605987549 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,0022280216217041 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,0022320747375488 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: paywall [T: 0,0022351741790771 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => bcms\Componentpaywall [T: 0,0022451877593994 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0022501945495605 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/bcms/paywall [T: 0,0022552013397217 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 116: ] => apps/bcms/paywall.component.json [T: 0,0023021697998047 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0023071765899658 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [data] => Array ( [logoImg] => [loginBtn] => Anmelden [continueReadingMsg] => Möchten Sie weiterlesen? [isSubscriberMsg] => Ja. Ich bin Abonnent. [notSubscribedMsg] => Haben Sie noch kein Konto? [loginUrl] => /bcms/login [registerMsg] => Registrieren [hereMsg] => Sie sich hier [wantSubscribeMsg] => Ja. Ich benötige ein Abo. [subscribeUrl] => /bcms/subscribe [offersMsg] => Abo Angebote ) ) [T: 0,0023140907287598 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0023190975189209 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0023231506347656 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0023260116577148 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0023291110992432 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0023322105407715 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0023360252380371 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0023391246795654 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0023422241210938 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: bcms LocalPath: paywall [T: 0,0023500919342041 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 514: ] => setLocale: | paywall [T: 0,002357006072998 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0023610591888428 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0023641586303711 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0023670196533203 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,002371072769165 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0023751258850098 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0023791790008545 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0023820400238037 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0023860931396484 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: bcms LocalPath: paywall [T: 0,002392053604126 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 514: ] => setLocale: | paywall [T: 0,0023980140686035 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 129: ] => header [T: 0,002406120300293 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php: 49: ] => [T: 0,0025172233581543 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/blitz/list_controller.php: 88: ] => [T: 0,0025250911712646 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/blitz/list_controller.php: 96: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,0025320053100586 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 103: ] => GetData() [T: 0,0025370121002197 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 104: ] => called bygetData [T: 0,0025420188903809 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 105: ] => Array ( [0] => [1] => list [2] => cms_categories ) [T: 0,0025451183319092 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 106: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,0025482177734375 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 107: ] => [T: 0,0025510787963867 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 108: ] => 200 [T: 0,0025551319122314 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 114: ] => checkuser false [T: 0,0025579929351807 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 118: ] => name: cms_categories [T: 0,0025629997253418 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: modelname [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1651 ) [T: 0,002662181854248 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:cms_categories [T: 0,0029702186584473 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Model [T: 0,003148078918457 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Model [T: 0,003154993057251 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:_Model [T: 0,003162145614624 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 134: ] => Object: api\BDModel [T: 0,0031671524047852 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1045: ] => [T: 0,0031712055206299 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1215: ] => [T: 0,0031750202178955 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 158: ] => [T: 0,0031800270080566 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 277: ] => list [T: 0,003183126449585 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1262: ] => getMysqlSelectList() [T: 0,003197193145752 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php [line] => 145 ) [T: 0,0032021999359131 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1269: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,0032060146331787 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1282: ] => Array ( [_localID] => Array ( [type] => int ) [_blitzID] => Array ( [type] => text ) [slug] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,0032110214233398 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 3 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1286 ) [T: 0,0032150745391846 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,0032191276550293 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,0032501220703125 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,0032570362091064 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,0032610893249512 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,0032651424407959 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,003270149230957 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,0032730102539062 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,0032780170440674 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,0032851696014404 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 285: ] => varGroup:`_localID`,`_blitzID`,`slug` [T: 0,0032880306243896 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 286: ] => LISTCONTROLLER var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug` [T: 0,0032920837402344 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 291: ] => var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug` [T: 0,0033202171325684 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/permissions/permissions.php: 216: ] => Blitz\permissions\permissions::getModelPermission() [T: 0,0033290386199951 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 315: ] => Modelpermissions: 65 [T: 0,0033321380615234 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 516: ] => User not checked [T: 0,003338098526001 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 615: ] => sort:_blitzstamp [T: 0,0033421516418457 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 622: ] => sortvar:`_blitzstamp`, [T: 0,0033462047576904 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 652: ] => `_Project`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,0033490657806396 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 655: ] => hasprojects1 [T: 0,0033571720123291 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: mainFilterCondition [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 755 ) [T: 0,0033612251281738 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 755: ] => mainFilterCondition: [T: 0,003364086151123 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 756: ] => var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` [T: 0,0033671855926514 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 757: ] => varMain:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` [T: 0,003371000289917 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: varJoin [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 758 ) [T: 0,0033740997314453 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 758: ] => varJoin: [T: 0,00337815284729 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 759: ] => permissionVarMain:'65' [T: 0,0033810138702393 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 760: ] => JoinCondition: [T: 0,0033841133117676 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 761: ] => Condition:`cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 [T: 0,0033872127532959 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 762: ] => groupCondition: [T: 0,0033900737762451 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 763: ] => joinForFKs: [T: 0,0033931732177734 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 764: ] => condition `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1name: cms_categories [T: 0,0034019947052002 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 839: ] => Query:SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,0034060478210449 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 967: ] => SQL getData? SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,0034430027008057 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 971: ] => SQL getData:SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,0034470558166504 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 991: ] => SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,003756046295166 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1026: ] => Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 95458341 [_localID] => 63 [_blitzID] => 1ku04l-1nqw917 [slug] => zum-gedenken [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 86281064 [_localID] => 62 [_blitzID] => 1fdaw8-1cvax0l [slug] => politik [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [2] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 61073691 [_localID] => 61 [_blitzID] => 10d0rf-38qmmo [slug] => [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57164498 [_localID] => 60 [_blitzID] => y18eq-2qq6tizn [slug] => seiserratsblick [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [4] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57098651 [_localID] => 59 [_blitzID] => xztln-32i492xg [slug] => kommentar [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [5] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090892 [_localID] => 58 [_blitzID] => xznm4-2mcezwm [slug] => root [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [6] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090858 [_localID] => 57 [_blitzID] => xznl6-wl4kfhv [slug] => maschwanden [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [7] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090647 [_localID] => 56 [_blitzID] => xznfb-2rk1k6r8 [slug] => cham [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [8] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090629 [_localID] => 55 [_blitzID] => xznet-2pl3ud82 [slug] => rotkreuz [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [9] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090572 [_localID] => 54 [_blitzID] => xznd8-1vd2uaev [slug] => hochdorf [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [10] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090488 [_localID] => 53 [_blitzID] => xznaw-2rosd7o6 [slug] => huenenberg [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [11] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 56815135 [_localID] => 52 [_blitzID] => xtqu7-1fohigq [slug] => jugend [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [12] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53815112 [_localID] => 38 [_blitzID] => w1g08-uws2rp [slug] => zumgedenken [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [13] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53812067 [_localID] => 37 [_blitzID] => w1dnn-8pzzm5 [slug] => publireportagen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [14] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53207591 [_localID] => 35 [_blitzID] => vof8n-4nrmsg [slug] => vermischtes [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [15] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47721210 [_localID] => 34 [_blitzID] => setx6-1ye5lvc [slug] => senioren [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [16] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573135 [_localID] => 32 [_blitzID] => sbnnz-3wcfe9 [slug] => polizeimeldungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [17] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573128 [_localID] => 31 [_blitzID] => sbnns-1ajbj2x [slug] => leserbriefe [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [18] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573123 [_localID] => 30 [_blitzID] => sbnnn-1ysscey [slug] => vereine [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [19] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738324 [_localID] => 29 [_blitzID] => r8bx0-191810g [slug] => sins-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [20] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738306 [_localID] => 28 [_blitzID] => r8bwi-1fioome [slug] => oberruti-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [21] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738280 [_localID] => 27 [_blitzID] => r8bvs-1twghzp [slug] => muri-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [22] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738263 [_localID] => 26 [_blitzID] => r8bvb-1dmdp1o [slug] => muhlau-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [23] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738242 [_localID] => 25 [_blitzID] => r8buq-ttnfqf [slug] => dietwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [24] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738223 [_localID] => 24 [_blitzID] => r8bu7-1g3b12i [slug] => beinwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [25] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738197 [_localID] => 23 [_blitzID] => r8bth-10twtxz [slug] => auw-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [26] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738175 [_localID] => 22 [_blitzID] => r8bsv-1qsxyd7 [slug] => abtwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [27] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680397 [_localID] => 21 [_blitzID] => r737x-1vdmimb [slug] => kirchliches [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [28] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680397 [_localID] => 20 [_blitzID] => r737x-mqbjn5 [slug] => gottesdienste [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [29] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680388 [_localID] => 19 [_blitzID] => r737o-8a5p3x [slug] => kinder [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [30] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680381 [_localID] => 18 [_blitzID] => r737h-1yxif6x [slug] => musik [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [31] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680378 [_localID] => 17 [_blitzID] => r737e-10tqu3o [slug] => region [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [32] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680376 [_localID] => 16 [_blitzID] => r737c-1qz6wgi [slug] => informationen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [33] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680365 [_localID] => 15 [_blitzID] => r7371-iojhaq [slug] => veranstaltungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [34] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680361 [_localID] => 14 [_blitzID] => r736x-o2em61 [slug] => fussball [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [35] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680359 [_localID] => 13 [_blitzID] => r736v-1ljddxj [slug] => sport [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [36] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680356 [_localID] => 12 [_blitzID] => r736s-a2t1d4 [slug] => merenschwand-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [37] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680352 [_localID] => 11 [_blitzID] => r736o-1p1vxph [slug] => merenschwand [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [38] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 8 [_blitzID] => r736l-1v3xj7l [slug] => dietwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [39] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 9 [_blitzID] => r736l-1ss41ug [slug] => oberruti [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [40] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 10 [_blitzID] => r736l-1kbkbxy [slug] => muri [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [41] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680348 [_localID] => 7 [_blitzID] => r736k-1h74aum [slug] => sins [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [42] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680347 [_localID] => 6 [_blitzID] => r736j-mj9c0e [slug] => abtwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [43] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680347 [_localID] => 5 [_blitzID] => r736j-12rcgtw [slug] => beinwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [44] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680346 [_localID] => 4 [_blitzID] => r736i-t7vvfm [slug] => auw [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [45] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680343 [_localID] => 2 [_blitzID] => r736f-5p2e6k [slug] => muhlau [_objectpermission] => 50 ) ) [queryTime] => 0,0003049373626709 [pagination] => 45680343 [model] => Array ( [_localID] => 33 [_sort] => 0 [_projectsort] => 0 [_userID] => 1 [_blitzID] => cms_categories [_objectpermission] => 65 [_blitzstamp] => 0 [_modified] => 2024-07-26 12:23:19 [name] => cms_categories [label] => [hasuserpermissions] => 1 [subscriberemails] => [haslogs] => 1 [cache] => 0 [hasprojects] => 1 [project_fk] => [attributes] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [label] => Name [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) [slug] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) [project_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [parent_fk] => Array ( [label] => u00dcberkategorie [type] => cms_categories ) ) [objectpermissionoptions] => Array ( [0] => 50 ) [defaultobjectpermission] => 0 [allowedit] => 1 [allowdelete] => 1 [hassort] => 0 [hasgroups] => 0 [hasexpiration] => 0 [haspublishingdate] => 0 [mobilecache] => 1 [modelpermission] => 65 [uniques] => [_blitzID_old] => cms-e9165b21 [hasAdditionalAttributes] => 0 ) ) [T: 0,0037660598754883 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0037732124328613 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0037782192230225 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0037832260131836 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0037879943847656 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0037930011749268 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0037980079650879 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,003803014755249 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038080215454102 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038130283355713 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038180351257324 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038230419158936 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038270950317383 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,003831148147583 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038361549377441 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038411617279053 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,00384521484375 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038490295410156 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038540363311768 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038580894470215 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038621425628662 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038671493530273 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038721561431885 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038762092590332 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038821697235107 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038871765136719 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,003892183303833 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0038971900939941 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039021968841553 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039060115814209 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,003911018371582 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039150714874268 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039191246032715 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039241313934326 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039291381835938 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039341449737549 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039381980895996 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039420127868652 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039470195770264 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039510726928711 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039560794830322 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039610862731934 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,003972053527832 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039780139923096 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039820671081543 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,0039870738983154 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,066315174102783 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: data [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php [line] => 104 ) [T: 0,066334009170532 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php: 49: ] => [T: 0,066358089447021 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/blitz/list_controller.php: 88: ] => [T: 0,066367149353027 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/blitz/list_controller.php: 96: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,066373109817505 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 103: ] => GetData() [T: 0,066379070281982 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 104: ] => called bygetData [T: 0,066383123397827 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 105: ] => Array ( [0] => [1] => list [2] => cms_categories ) [T: 0,066387176513672 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 106: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,066390037536621 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 107: ] => [T: 0,066394090652466 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 108: ] => 200 [T: 0,066399097442627 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 114: ] => checkuser false [T: 0,066403150558472 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 118: ] => name: cms_categories [T: 0,066409111022949 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: modelname [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1651 ) [T: 0,066419124603271 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:cms_categories [T: 0,066424131393433 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:cms_categories [T: 0,066429138183594 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 134: ] => Object: api\BDModel [T: 0,066435098648071 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1045: ] => [T: 0,066440105438232 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1215: ] => [T: 0,066445112228394 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 158: ] => [T: 0,066450119018555 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 277: ] => list [T: 0,066455125808716 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1262: ] => getMysqlSelectList() [T: 0,066466093063354 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php [line] => 145 ) [T: 0,066472053527832 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1269: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,066476106643677 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1282: ] => Array ( [_localID] => Array ( [type] => int ) [_blitzID] => Array ( [type] => text ) [slug] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,066482067108154 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 3 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1286 ) [T: 0,066488027572632 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,066492080688477 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,066498994827271 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,066506147384644 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,066510200500488 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,066515207290649 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,066521167755127 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,066526174545288 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,066532135009766 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,066541194915771 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 285: ] => varGroup:`_localID`,`_blitzID`,`slug` [T: 0,066546201705933 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 286: ] => LISTCONTROLLER var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug` [T: 0,066551208496094 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 291: ] => var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug` [T: 0,066557168960571 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/permissions/permissions.php: 216: ] => Blitz\permissions\permissions::getModelPermission() [T: 0,066565036773682 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 315: ] => Modelpermissions: 65 [T: 0,066569089889526 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 516: ] => User not checked [T: 0,06657600402832 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 615: ] => sort:_blitzstamp [T: 0,066580057144165 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 622: ] => sortvar:`_blitzstamp`, [T: 0,066585063934326 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 652: ] => `_Project`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,066589117050171 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 655: ] => hasprojects1 [T: 0,06659722328186 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: mainFilterCondition [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 755 ) [T: 0,066603183746338 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 755: ] => mainFilterCondition: [T: 0,066606044769287 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 756: ] => var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` [T: 0,066611051559448 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 757: ] => varMain:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` [T: 0,066616058349609 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: varJoin [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 758 ) [T: 0,066621065139771 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 758: ] => varJoin: [T: 0,066626071929932 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 759: ] => permissionVarMain:'65' [T: 0,066630125045776 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 760: ] => JoinCondition: [T: 0,066634178161621 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 761: ] => Condition:`cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 [T: 0,066637992858887 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 762: ] => groupCondition: [T: 0,066642045974731 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 763: ] => joinForFKs: [T: 0,066647052764893 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 764: ] => condition `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1name: cms_categories [T: 0,066657066345215 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 839: ] => Query:SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,066662073135376 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 967: ] => SQL getData? SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,066669225692749 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 971: ] => SQL getData:SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,066673040390015 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 991: ] => SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,06704306602478 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1026: ] => Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 95458341 [_localID] => 63 [_blitzID] => 1ku04l-1nqw917 [slug] => zum-gedenken [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 86281064 [_localID] => 62 [_blitzID] => 1fdaw8-1cvax0l [slug] => politik [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [2] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 61073691 [_localID] => 61 [_blitzID] => 10d0rf-38qmmo [slug] => [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57164498 [_localID] => 60 [_blitzID] => y18eq-2qq6tizn [slug] => seiserratsblick [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [4] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57098651 [_localID] => 59 [_blitzID] => xztln-32i492xg [slug] => kommentar [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [5] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090892 [_localID] => 58 [_blitzID] => xznm4-2mcezwm [slug] => root [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [6] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090858 [_localID] => 57 [_blitzID] => xznl6-wl4kfhv [slug] => maschwanden [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [7] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090647 [_localID] => 56 [_blitzID] => xznfb-2rk1k6r8 [slug] => cham [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [8] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090629 [_localID] => 55 [_blitzID] => xznet-2pl3ud82 [slug] => rotkreuz [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [9] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090572 [_localID] => 54 [_blitzID] => xznd8-1vd2uaev [slug] => hochdorf [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [10] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090488 [_localID] => 53 [_blitzID] => xznaw-2rosd7o6 [slug] => huenenberg [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [11] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 56815135 [_localID] => 52 [_blitzID] => xtqu7-1fohigq [slug] => jugend [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [12] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53815112 [_localID] => 38 [_blitzID] => w1g08-uws2rp [slug] => zumgedenken [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [13] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53812067 [_localID] => 37 [_blitzID] => w1dnn-8pzzm5 [slug] => publireportagen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [14] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53207591 [_localID] => 35 [_blitzID] => vof8n-4nrmsg [slug] => vermischtes [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [15] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47721210 [_localID] => 34 [_blitzID] => setx6-1ye5lvc [slug] => senioren [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [16] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573135 [_localID] => 32 [_blitzID] => sbnnz-3wcfe9 [slug] => polizeimeldungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [17] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573128 [_localID] => 31 [_blitzID] => sbnns-1ajbj2x [slug] => leserbriefe [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [18] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573123 [_localID] => 30 [_blitzID] => sbnnn-1ysscey [slug] => vereine [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [19] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738324 [_localID] => 29 [_blitzID] => r8bx0-191810g [slug] => sins-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [20] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738306 [_localID] => 28 [_blitzID] => r8bwi-1fioome [slug] => oberruti-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [21] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738280 [_localID] => 27 [_blitzID] => r8bvs-1twghzp [slug] => muri-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [22] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738263 [_localID] => 26 [_blitzID] => r8bvb-1dmdp1o [slug] => muhlau-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [23] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738242 [_localID] => 25 [_blitzID] => r8buq-ttnfqf [slug] => dietwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [24] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738223 [_localID] => 24 [_blitzID] => r8bu7-1g3b12i [slug] => beinwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [25] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738197 [_localID] => 23 [_blitzID] => r8bth-10twtxz [slug] => auw-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [26] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738175 [_localID] => 22 [_blitzID] => r8bsv-1qsxyd7 [slug] => abtwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [27] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680397 [_localID] => 21 [_blitzID] => r737x-1vdmimb [slug] => kirchliches [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [28] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680397 [_localID] => 20 [_blitzID] => r737x-mqbjn5 [slug] => gottesdienste [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [29] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680388 [_localID] => 19 [_blitzID] => r737o-8a5p3x [slug] => kinder [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [30] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680381 [_localID] => 18 [_blitzID] => r737h-1yxif6x [slug] => musik [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [31] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680378 [_localID] => 17 [_blitzID] => r737e-10tqu3o [slug] => region [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [32] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680376 [_localID] => 16 [_blitzID] => r737c-1qz6wgi [slug] => informationen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [33] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680365 [_localID] => 15 [_blitzID] => r7371-iojhaq [slug] => veranstaltungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [34] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680361 [_localID] => 14 [_blitzID] => r736x-o2em61 [slug] => fussball [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [35] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680359 [_localID] => 13 [_blitzID] => r736v-1ljddxj [slug] => sport [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [36] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680356 [_localID] => 12 [_blitzID] => r736s-a2t1d4 [slug] => merenschwand-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [37] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680352 [_localID] => 11 [_blitzID] => r736o-1p1vxph [slug] => merenschwand [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [38] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 8 [_blitzID] => r736l-1v3xj7l [slug] => dietwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [39] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 9 [_blitzID] => r736l-1ss41ug [slug] => oberruti [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [40] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 10 [_blitzID] => r736l-1kbkbxy [slug] => muri [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [41] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680348 [_localID] => 7 [_blitzID] => r736k-1h74aum [slug] => sins [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [42] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680347 [_localID] => 6 [_blitzID] => r736j-mj9c0e [slug] => abtwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [43] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680347 [_localID] => 5 [_blitzID] => r736j-12rcgtw [slug] => beinwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [44] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680346 [_localID] => 4 [_blitzID] => r736i-t7vvfm [slug] => auw [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [45] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680343 [_localID] => 2 [_blitzID] => r736f-5p2e6k [slug] => muhlau [_objectpermission] => 50 ) ) [queryTime] => 0,0003659725189209 [pagination] => 45680343 [model] => Array ( [_localID] => 33 [_sort] => 0 [_projectsort] => 0 [_userID] => 1 [_blitzID] => cms_categories [_objectpermission] => 65 [_blitzstamp] => 0 [_modified] => 2024-07-26 12:23:19 [name] => cms_categories [label] => [hasuserpermissions] => 1 [subscriberemails] => [haslogs] => 1 [cache] => 0 [hasprojects] => 1 [project_fk] => [attributes] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [label] => Name [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) [slug] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) [project_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [parent_fk] => Array ( [label] => u00dcberkategorie [type] => cms_categories ) ) [objectpermissionoptions] => Array ( [0] => 50 ) [defaultobjectpermission] => 0 [allowedit] => 1 [allowdelete] => 1 [hassort] => 0 [hasgroups] => 0 [hasexpiration] => 0 [haspublishingdate] => 0 [mobilecache] => 1 [modelpermission] => 65 [uniques] => [_blitzID_old] => cms-e9165b21 [hasAdditionalAttributes] => 0 ) ) [T: 0,067063093185425 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067072153091431 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067079067230225 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067087173461914 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067094087600708 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067100048065186 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067106008529663 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067111015319824 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067117214202881 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067123174667358 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,06712818145752 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067135095596313 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067141056060791 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067146062850952 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,06715202331543 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067158222198486 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067164182662964 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067170143127441 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067177057266235 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067183017730713 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067194223403931 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067200183868408 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067206144332886 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,06721305847168 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067220211029053 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,06722617149353 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067232131958008 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067237138748169 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067243099212646 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067249059677124 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067255020141602 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067269086837769 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067275047302246 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067281007766724 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,06728720664978 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067293167114258 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067317008972168 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067324161529541 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067330121994019 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,06733512878418 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067341089248657 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067346096038818 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067352056503296 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067358016967773 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067363023757935 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,067369222640991 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,13867616653442 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: data [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php [line] => 104 ) [T: 0,13870620727539 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: useSubscriptions [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/index.php [line] => 283 ) [T: 0,13873600959778 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php: 49: ] => [T: 0,13879203796387 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 103: ] => GetData() [T: 0,13880014419556 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 104: ] => called byinclude [T: 0,13880610466003 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 105: ] => Array ( [0] => [1] => get [2] => cms_articles ) [T: 0,13881015777588 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 106: ] => [T: 0,13881421089172 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 107: ] => [["_blitzID","=","muri"]] [T: 0,13881802558899 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 108: ] => 200 [T: 0,13882422447205 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 114: ] => checkuser false [T: 0,13882803916931 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 118: ] => name: cms_articles [T: 0,13884019851685 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: modelname [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1651 ) [T: 0,13885116577148 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:cms_articles [T: 0,13911604881287 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Model [T: 0,13912415504456 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:_Model [T: 0,13912916183472 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 134: ] => Object: api\BDModel [T: 0,13913512229919 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1045: ] => [["_blitzID","=","muri"]] [T: 0,13920402526855 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1215: ] => `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' [T: 0,13921117782593 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 158: ] => `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' [T: 0,13921618461609 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 277: ] => get [T: 0,13921999931335 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1262: ] => getMysqlSelectList() [T: 0,13923811912537 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1282: ] => Array ( [_localID] => Array ( [type] => int ) [_userID] => Array ( [type] => int ) [_blitzID] => Array ( [type] => text ) [_blitzstamp] => Array ( [type] => int ) [_modified] => Array ( [type] => timestamp ) [title] => Array ( [label] => Titel [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) [excerpt] => Array ( [label] => Lead [type] => text ) [content] => Array ( [label] => Text [type] => htmlText [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 0 ) ) ) [images] => Array ( [label] => Bilder [type] => Array ( [0] => image ) ) [tags_mtm] => Array ( [label] => Tags [type] => Array ( [0] => cms_tags ) ) [slug] => Array ( [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) [editiondate] => Array ( [label] => Datum Ausgabe [type] => date ) [project_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [feature_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Feature [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [category_fk] => Array ( [label] => Kategorien [type] => cms_categories ) [_publishingdate] => Array ( [type] => datetime ) [_expiration] => Array ( [type] => datetime ) [_objectpermission] => Array ( [type] => _objectpermission ) ) [T: 0,13924622535706 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 3 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1286 ) [T: 0,13925218582153 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,13925719261169 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,13926410675049 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13927102088928 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _userID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,13927507400513 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _userID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,1392822265625 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13928818702698 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,13929200172424 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,1392982006073 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13930511474609 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzstamp [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,13930916786194 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzstamp [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,13931608200073 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13932204246521 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _modified [1] => Array ( [type] => timestamp ) ) [T: 0,13932704925537 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _modified [1] => Array ( [type] => timestamp ) ) [T: 0,13933205604553 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13933706283569 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => title [1] => Array ( [label] => Titel [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) ) [T: 0,13934111595154 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => title [1] => Array ( [label] => Titel [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) ) [T: 0,13934707641602 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13935303688049 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => excerpt [1] => Array ( [label] => Lead [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,13935613632202 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => excerpt [1] => Array ( [label] => Lead [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,1393620967865 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13936710357666 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => content [1] => Array ( [label] => Text [type] => htmlText [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 0 ) ) ) ) [T: 0,13937211036682 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => content [1] => Array ( [label] => Text [type] => htmlText [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 0 ) ) ) ) [T: 0,13937711715698 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13938212394714 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => images [1] => Array ( [label] => Bilder [type] => Array ( [0] => image ) ) ) [T: 0,13938617706299 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => images [1] => Array ( [label] => Bilder [type] => Array ( [0] => image ) ) ) [T: 0,13939213752747 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,13939714431763 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => tags_mtm [1] => Array ( [label] => Tags [type] => Array ( [0] => cms_tags ) ) ) [T: 0,13940215110779 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => tags_mtm [1] => Array ( [label] => Tags [type] => Array ( [0] => cms_tags ) ) ) [T: 0,1394100189209 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:cms_tags [T: 0,13963317871094 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Model [T: 0,13964104652405 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:_Model [T: 0,1396541595459 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1392: ] => Array ( ) [T: 0,13966107368469 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) ) [T: 0,13966512680054 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) ) [T: 0,13967204093933 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,1396791934967 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => editiondate [1] => Array ( [label] => Datum Ausgabe [type] => date ) ) [T: 0,13968300819397 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => editiondate [1] => Array ( [label] => Datum Ausgabe [type] => date ) ) [T: 0,13968920707703 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,1396951675415 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => project_fk [1] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) ) [T: 0,13970017433167 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => project_fk [1] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) ) [T: 0,13971018791199 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Project [T: 0,13991713523865 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Model [T: 0,13992500305176 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:_Model [T: 0,13993406295776 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => feature_fk [1] => Array ( [type] => _Feature [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) ) [T: 0,13993906974792 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => feature_fk [1] => Array ( [type] => _Feature [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) ) [T: 0,1399462223053 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Feature [T: 0,14013504981995 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:_Model [T: 0,14014410972595 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:_Model [T: 0,14015412330627 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => category_fk [1] => Array ( [label] => Kategorien [type] => cms_categories ) ) [T: 0,14016008377075 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => category_fk [1] => Array ( [label] => Kategorien [type] => cms_categories ) ) [T: 0,14016819000244 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:cms_categories [T: 0,1401731967926 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:cms_categories [T: 0,14018201828003 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _publishingdate [1] => Array ( [type] => datetime ) ) [T: 0,14018607139587 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _publishingdate [1] => Array ( [type] => datetime ) ) [T: 0,14019322395325 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,14020013809204 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _expiration [1] => Array ( [type] => datetime ) ) [T: 0,14020419120789 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _expiration [1] => Array ( [type] => datetime ) ) [T: 0,14020919799805 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,14021515846252 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _objectpermission [1] => Array ( [type] => _objectpermission ) ) [T: 0,14021801948547 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _objectpermission [1] => Array ( [type] => _objectpermission ) ) [T: 0,14022421836853 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,14023113250732 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 285: ] => varGroup:`_localID`,`_userID`,`_blitzID`,`_blitzstamp`,`_modified`,`title`,`excerpt`,`content`,`images`,`tags_mtm`, `slug`,`editiondate`,`project_fk`,`feature_fk`,`category_fk`,`_publishingdate`,`_expiration`,`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14023613929749 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 286: ] => LISTCONTROLLER var:`cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14024209976196 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 291: ] => var:`cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14024901390076 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/permissions/permissions.php: 216: ] => Blitz\permissions\permissions::getModelPermission() [T: 0,14025712013245 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 315: ] => Modelpermissions: 65 [T: 0,14026117324829 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 516: ] => User not checked [T: 0,14026808738708 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: onlyGeneralPermissionOption [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 520 ) [T: 0,14027810096741 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 581: ] => modelpermissions65 [T: 0,14028310775757 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 589: ] => Haspublishingdate yes [T: 0,14028716087341 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 590: ] => modelpermissions65 [T: 0,14029121398926 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 594: ] => enter [T: 0,14029622077942 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 615: ] => sort:_sort [T: 0,1403021812439 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 622: ] => sortvar:`_sort`, [T: 0,14030718803406 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 652: ] => `_Project`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14031100273132 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 655: ] => hasprojects1 [T: 0,14031910896301 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: mainFilterCondition [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 755 ) [T: 0,14032411575317 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 755: ] => mainFilterCondition: [T: 0,1403272151947 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 756: ] => var:`cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14033317565918 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 757: ] => varMain:`cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14033913612366 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: varJoin [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 758 ) [T: 0,1403431892395 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 758: ] => varJoin: [T: 0,14034700393677 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 759: ] => permissionVarMain:GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) [T: 0,1403501033783 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 760: ] => JoinCondition: [T: 0,14035415649414 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 761: ] => Condition: `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' AND `cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` >= 30 AND (`cms_articles`.`_expiration` IS NULL OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` = '0000-00-00 00:00' OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` > NOW() OR `@permissions` > 66) AND (`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate` < NOW() OR `@permissions` > 66) AND `cms_articles`.`project_fk` = 1 [T: 0,14035820960999 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 762: ] => groupCondition: GROUP BY `cms_articles`.`_localID` [T: 0,14036321640015 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 763: ] => joinForFKs: LEFT JOIN `cms_articles~~cms_tags` ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `cms_tags` b ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_fkID` = `b`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `_Project` c ON `c`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`project_fk` LEFT JOIN `_Feature` d ON `d`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`feature_fk` LEFT JOIN `cms_categories` e ON `e`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`category_fk` [T: 0,14036703109741 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 764: ] => condition `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' AND `cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` >= 30 AND (`cms_articles`.`_expiration` IS NULL OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` = '0000-00-00 00:00' OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` > NOW() OR `@permissions` > 66) AND (`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate` < NOW() OR `@permissions` > 66) AND `cms_articles`.`project_fk` = 1name: cms_articles [T: 0,1403820514679 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 872: ] => Query:SELECT `cms_articles`.`_sort`, `cms_articles`.`_projectsort`, `cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` FROM `cms_articles` LEFT JOIN `cms_articles~~cms_tags` ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `cms_tags` b ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_fkID` = `b`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `_Project` c ON `c`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`project_fk` LEFT JOIN `_Feature` d ON `d`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`feature_fk` LEFT JOIN `cms_categories` e ON `e`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`category_fk` WHERE `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' AND `cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` >= 30 AND (`cms_articles`.`_expiration` IS NULL OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` = '0000-00-00 00:00' OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` > NOW() OR GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) > 66) AND (`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate` < NOW() OR GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) > 66) AND `cms_articles`.`project_fk` = 1 GROUP BY `cms_articles`.`_localID` [T: 0,14038920402527 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 967: ] => SQL getData? SELECT `cms_articles`.`_sort`, `cms_articles`.`_projectsort`, `cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` FROM `cms_articles` LEFT JOIN `cms_articles~~cms_tags` ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `cms_tags` b ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_fkID` = `b`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `_Project` c ON `c`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`project_fk` LEFT JOIN `_Feature` d ON `d`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`feature_fk` LEFT JOIN `cms_categories` e ON `e`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`category_fk` WHERE `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' AND `cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` >= 30 AND (`cms_articles`.`_expiration` IS NULL OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` = '0000-00-00 00:00' OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` > NOW() OR GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) > 66) AND (`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate` < NOW() OR GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) > 66) AND `cms_articles`.`project_fk` = 1 GROUP BY `cms_articles`.`_localID` [T: 0,14041113853455 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 971: ] => SQL getData:SELECT `cms_articles`.`_sort`, `cms_articles`.`_projectsort`, `cms_articles`.`_localID`,`cms_articles`.`_userID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzID`,`cms_articles`.`_blitzstamp`,`cms_articles`.`_modified`,`cms_articles`.`title`,`cms_articles`.`excerpt`,`cms_articles`.`content`,`cms_articles`.`images`, IF( `b`.`_blitzID` IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT( '[', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `b`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `b`.`_localID`, '_mtmSort', `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort`, 'name', `b`.`name`, 'slug', `b`.`slug`) ORDER BY `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_mtmSort` DESC ), ']' ) ) AS `tags_mtm`,`cms_articles`.`slug`,`cms_articles`.`editiondate`,IF(`c`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `c`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `c`.`_localID`, 'name', `c`.`name`)) AS `project_fk`,IF(`d`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `d`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `d`.`_localID`, 'name', `d`.`name`, 'sendpush', `d`.`sendpush`, 'sendemail', `d`.`sendemail`)) AS `feature_fk`,IF(`e`.`_blitzID` IS NULL,NULL,JSON_OBJECT('_blitzID', `e`.`_blitzID`, '_localID', `e`.`_localID`, 'name', `e`.`name`, 'slug', `e`.`slug`)) AS `category_fk`,`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate`,`cms_articles`.`_expiration`,`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` FROM `cms_articles` LEFT JOIN `cms_articles~~cms_tags` ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `cms_tags` b ON `cms_articles~~cms_tags`.`_fkID` = `b`.`_localID` LEFT JOIN `_Project` c ON `c`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`project_fk` LEFT JOIN `_Feature` d ON `d`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`feature_fk` LEFT JOIN `cms_categories` e ON `e`.`_localID` = `cms_articles`.`category_fk` WHERE `cms_articles`.`_blitzID` = 'muri' AND `cms_articles`.`_objectpermission` >= 30 AND (`cms_articles`.`_expiration` IS NULL OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` = '0000-00-00 00:00' OR `cms_articles`.`_expiration` > NOW() OR GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) > 66) AND (`cms_articles`.`_publishingdate` < NOW() OR GREATEST(`cms_articles`.`_objectpermission`,65) > 66) AND `cms_articles`.`project_fk` = 1 GROUP BY `cms_articles`.`_localID` [T: 0,14095616340637 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/mysql.php: 305: ] => DBSelectFirst nothin found. Called by getData [T: 0,14096808433533 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: userProjects [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 980 ) [T: 0,14097619056702 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1026: ] => Array ( [item] => [queryTime] => 0,0005500316619873 [model] => Array ( [_localID] => 37 [_sort] => 0 [_projectsort] => 0 [_userID] => 1 [_blitzID] => cms_articles [_objectpermission] => 65 [_blitzstamp] => 0 [_modified] => 2024-07-26 12:23:19 [name] => cms_articles [label] => [hasuserpermissions] => 1 [subscriberemails] => [haslogs] => 1 [cache] => 1 [hasprojects] => 1 [project_fk] => [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Array ( [label] => Titel [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) [excerpt] => Array ( [label] => Lead [type] => text ) [content] => Array ( [label] => Text [type] => htmlText [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 0 ) ) ) [images] => Array ( [label] => Bilder [type] => Array ( [0] => image ) ) [tags_mtm] => Array ( [label] => Tags [type] => Array ( [0] => cms_tags ) ) [slug] => Array ( [type] => varchar [length] => 1000 ) [unique_id] => Array ( [type] => varchar [length] => 255 [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) [get] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [editiondate] => Array ( [label] => Datum Ausgabe [type] => date ) [project_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [feature_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Feature [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [category_fk] => Array ( [label] => Kategorien [type] => cms_categories ) ) [objectpermissionoptions] => Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 40 [2] => 50 ) [defaultobjectpermission] => 0 [allowedit] => 1 [allowdelete] => 1 [hassort] => 1 [hasgroups] => 0 [hasexpiration] => 1 [haspublishingdate] => 1 [mobilecache] => 1 [modelpermission] => 65 [uniques] => [_blitzID_old] => cms-c0b80967 [hasAdditionalAttributes] => 0 ) ) [T: 0,14098501205444 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Trying to access array offset on value of type null [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.controller.php [line] => 29 ) [T: 0,14099311828613 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: title [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.controller.php [line] => 30 ) [T: 0,14102602005005 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 181: ] => RENDER APP [T: 0,14103722572327 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: metadata [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/metahead.php [line] => 8 ) [T: 0,14104199409485 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Trying to access array offset on value of type null [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/metahead.php [line] => 8 ) [T: 0,14105010032654 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: metadata [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/metahead.php [line] => 9 ) [T: 0,1410551071167 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Trying to access array offset on value of type null [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/metahead.php [line] => 9 ) [T: 0,14111113548279 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14111804962158 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [json] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tc.view.json ) [T: 0,14112210273743 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14112710952759 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14113116264343 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 271: ] => json [T: 0,14118909835815 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home [T: 0,14120817184448 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home [T: 0,14121222496033 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.view.php [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/css/page.css] => [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/css/photo.css] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.css?20241016] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/pager.css] => ) [javascripts4header] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/js/photo.js?v=5] => ) [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/pager.js?v=20230413.2044] => [////{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/banners.min.js?20240808] => ) ) [T: 0,14122009277344 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => view:apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.view.php [T: 0,14122700691223 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14123201370239 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => css:Array [T: 0,14123821258545 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14124321937561 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => javascripts4header:Array [T: 0,14124822616577 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14125299453735 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => javascripts4footer:Array [T: 0,14127111434937 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home [T: 0,14127612113953 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14128017425537 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 321: ] => adding controller to view [T: 0,14128518104553 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,14128804206848 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 334: ] => not isIncluded:apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,14129209518433 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 341: ] => initHeaderAndFooter [T: 0,14129519462585 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 344: ] => initHeaderAndFooter: not header comp [T: 0,14129900932312 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 351: ] => header [T: 0,14130520820618 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: header [T: 0,14130902290344 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 353: ] => bcms [T: 0,14131212234497 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 354: ] => apps/bcms/header [T: 0,14131712913513 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,14132022857666 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,14132499694824 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: header [T: 0,1413300037384 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => bcms\Componentheader [T: 0,14135217666626 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,14136099815369 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 233: ] => default viewBlitz\Component [T: 0,14136600494385 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14137506484985 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 166: ] => bcms\App-bcms\App::defaultViewPath bcms header [T: 0,14139199256897 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 181: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,14140009880066 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 367: ] => apps/bcms/header [T: 0,14140510559082 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: footer [T: 0,14140915870667 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 369: ] => bcms [T: 0,14141321182251 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 370: ] => apps/bcms/header [T: 0,14141702651978 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,1414201259613 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,14142417907715 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: footer [T: 0,14142799377441 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => bcms\Componentfooter [T: 0,14144110679626 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,14144802093506 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 233: ] => default viewBlitz\Component [T: 0,1414520740509 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14145708084106 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 166: ] => bcms\App-bcms\App::defaultViewPath bcms footer [T: 0,14147019386292 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 181: ] => apps/bcms/@custom/aof/@themes/demo/footer [T: 0,14147901535034 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14148807525635 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14149212837219 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,14149618148804 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14150214195251 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 25: ] => Blitz\View::withPath apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,14151120185852 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,14151620864868 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => [T: 0,14155721664429 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => view:apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header.view.php [T: 0,14156413078308 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14156913757324 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => css:Array [T: 0,1415741443634 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14157915115356 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => javascripts4header:Array [T: 0,14158320426941 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14158916473389 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => javascripts4footer:Array [T: 0,14159917831421 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,14160513877869 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14161014556885 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/header 1 [T: 0,14161419868469 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,1416220664978 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14162611961365 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,0014321804046631 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0014359951019287 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0014400482177734 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0014431476593018 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,001446008682251 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0014500617980957 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,001453161239624 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0014572143554688 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0014610290527344 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0014700889587402 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,001474142074585 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0014770030975342 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0014801025390625 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0014841556549072 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0014870166778564 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0014901161193848 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0014932155609131 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0014960765838623 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0015010833740234 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => articleList [T: 0,0015060901641846 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: articleList [T: 0,0015091896057129 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,0015201568603516 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,0015242099761963 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,0015270709991455 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,0015292167663574 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,001533031463623 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: bcms Localpath: articleList [T: 0,0015361309051514 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => bcms\ComponentarticleList [T: 0,0015461444854736 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0015521049499512 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,0015580654144287 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0015621185302734 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [listName] => top [queryKey] => [queryValue] => [classes] => topList [min] => 1 [max] => 1000000000 [tplFile] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/deferred_image_loader.js] => ) [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/top-articles.css] => ) ) [T: 0,0015652179718018 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0015702247619629 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0015740394592285 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0015771389007568 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0015811920166016 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0015840530395508 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0015881061553955 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0015912055969238 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,001594066619873 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: bcms LocalPath: articleList [T: 0,0016031265258789 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 514: ] => setLocale: | articleList [T: 0,0016109943389893 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,001615047454834 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0016191005706787 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0016231536865234 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0016272068023682 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0016300678253174 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0016341209411621 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0016372203826904 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0016400814056396 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: bcms LocalPath: articleList [T: 0,0016469955444336 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 514: ] => setLocale: | articleList [T: 0,0016520023345947 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 179 ) [T: 0,001655101776123 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => [T: 0,0016591548919678 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 185 ) [T: 0,001662015914917 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152 [T: 0,0016720294952393 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,001676082611084 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 35 ) [T: 0,0016801357269287 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => [T: 0,0016829967498779 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 36 ) [T: 0,0016870498657227 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,0016911029815674 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,0016951560974121 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: Blitz Localpath: [T: 0,0016992092132568 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0017020702362061 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0017101764678955 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,001716136932373 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0017189979553223 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,0017240047454834 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0017280578613281 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0017321109771729 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0017361640930176 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0017402172088623 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0017440319061279 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0017480850219727 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0017521381378174 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0017561912536621 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0017631053924561 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0017671585083008 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,00177001953125 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0017731189727783 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,001777172088623 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0017800331115723 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0017831325531006 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0017859935760498 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0017890930175781 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0017940998077393 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 179 ) [T: 0,0017971992492676 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => [T: 0,0018000602722168 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 185 ) [T: 0,0018031597137451 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152 [T: 0,0018131732940674 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,0018181800842285 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 35 ) [T: 0,0018210411071777 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => [T: 0,0018250942230225 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 36 ) [T: 0,0018281936645508 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,0018310546875 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,0018351078033447 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: Blitz Localpath: [T: 0,001838207244873 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0018410682678223 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0018460750579834 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,0018520355224609 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0018551349639893 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,0018610954284668 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0018651485443115 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0018692016601562 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0018742084503174 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0018770694732666 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0018811225891113 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0018842220306396 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0018880367279053 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0018911361694336 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0018970966339111 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0019011497497559 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0019040107727051 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,001906156539917 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0019102096557617 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0019130706787109 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0019161701202393 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0019190311431885 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0019221305847168 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0019271373748779 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 179 ) [T: 0,0019299983978271 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => [T: 0,0019340515136719 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 185 ) [T: 0,0019381046295166 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152 [T: 0,0019490718841553 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,0019540786743164 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 35 ) [T: 0,0019571781158447 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => [T: 0,0019609928131104 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 36 ) [T: 0,0019640922546387 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,001967191696167 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,0019710063934326 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: Blitz Localpath: [T: 0,0019750595092773 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0019781589508057 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0019831657409668 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,0019891262054443 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0019922256469727 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [html] => ) [T: 0,0019981861114502 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0020020008087158 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0020060539245605 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0020101070404053 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0020132064819336 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0020170211791992 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0020201206207275 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0020232200622559 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0020260810852051 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,0020320415496826 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 50: ] => initConfiguration [T: 0,0020360946655273 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestBody [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 51 ) [T: 0,0020391941070557 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 51: ] => [T: 0,0020411014556885 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 63: ] => requestget [T: 0,0020451545715332 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: requestGet [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 64 ) [T: 0,0020480155944824 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 64: ] => [T: 0,0020511150360107 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: config [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 70 ) [T: 0,0020542144775391 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 70: ] => [T: 0,0020570755004883 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 500: ] => App: Blitz LocalPath: [T: 0,002061128616333 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 179 ) [T: 0,0020642280578613 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 179: ] => [T: 0,0020670890808105 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 185 ) [T: 0,0020711421966553 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 185: ] => PATH 152 [T: 0,0020811557769775 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 32: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withArray [T: 0,0020852088928223 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 35 ) [T: 0,0020890235900879 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 35: ] => [T: 0,0020930767059326 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: path [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php [line] => 36 ) [T: 0,0020971298217773 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 82: ] => Blitz\Component | Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::withPath [T: 0,0020999908447266 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 83: ] => Component, isIncluded:1 [T: 0,0021040439605713 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 552: ] => App: Blitz Localpath: [T: 0,002108097076416 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 100: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0021111965179443 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 108: ] => Component class does not exists [T: 0,0021162033081055 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 113: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,002122163772583 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 137: ] => Blitz\Component [T: 0,0021250247955322 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 149: ] => Array ( [html] =>[T: 0,14214706420898 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 161: ] => No view exists for apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14215612411499 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14216017723083 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,142165184021 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14216899871826 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14217400550842 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14217805862427 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [data] => Array ( [logoImg] => [loginBtn] => Anmelden [continueReadingMsg] => Möchten Sie weiterlesen? [isSubscriberMsg] => Ja. Ich bin Abonnent. [notSubscribedMsg] => Haben Sie noch kein Konto? [loginUrl] => /bcms/login [registerMsg] => Registrieren [hereMsg] => Sie sich hier [wantSubscribeMsg] => Ja. Ich benötige ein Abo. [subscribeUrl] => /bcms/subscribe [offersMsg] => Abo Angebote ) ) [T: 0,14218211174011 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14218616485596 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,1421902179718 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 305: ] => default [T: 0,14219403266907 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14219999313354 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 166: ] => bcms\App-bcms\App::defaultViewPath bcms paywall [T: 0,14221906661987 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@libpub/App.php: 181: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/paywall [T: 0,14222311973572 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/paywall [T: 0,14222717285156 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/bcms/@themes/demo/paywall [T: 0,14223003387451 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [data] => Array ( [logoImg] => [loginBtn] => Anmelden [continueReadingMsg] => Möchten Sie weiterlesen? [isSubscriberMsg] => Ja. Ich bin Abonnent. [notSubscribedMsg] => Haben Sie noch kein Konto? [loginUrl] => /bcms/login [registerMsg] => Registrieren [hereMsg] => Sie sich hier [wantSubscribeMsg] => Ja. Ich benötige ein Abo. [subscribeUrl] => /bcms/subscribe [offersMsg] => Abo Angebote ) ) [T: 0,14223718643188 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14224219322205 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => data:Array [T: 0,14225816726685 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/paywall [T: 0,14228105545044 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14228510856628 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/paywall 1 [T: 0,14228820800781 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14229512214661 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14229822158813 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => apps/bcms/@custom/aof/@themes/demo/footer [T: 0,1423020362854 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14230608940125 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 25: ] => Blitz\View::withPath apps/bcms/@custom/aof/@themes/demo/footer [T: 0,14232516288757 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14232921600342 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/footer 1 [T: 0,14233303070068 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14233803749084 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/HtmlBuilder.php: 151: ] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}assets/js/jquery-3.6.0.min.js] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/js/photo.js?v=5] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/comments.min.js?v=20230626.2341] => [//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/promise-polyfill@8/dist/polyfill.min.js] => ) [T: 0,14235520362854 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: out [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/HtmlBuilder.php [line] => 160 ) [T: 0,14237308502197 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14237713813782 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.view.php [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/css/page.css] => [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/css/photo.css] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.css?20241016] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/pager.css] => ) [javascripts4header] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/js/photo.js?v=5] => ) [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/pager.js?v=20230413.2044] => [////{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/banners.min.js?20240808] => ) ) [T: 0,14238119125366 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14238500595093 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,14238905906677 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 334: ] => not isIncluded:apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,1423921585083 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 341: ] => initHeaderAndFooter [T: 0,14240002632141 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14240407943726 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,1424081325531 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14241218566895 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/header 1 [T: 0,14241719245911 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14242100715637 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14163112640381 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14163517951965 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14163899421692 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 305: ] => default [T: 0,14164209365845 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14164805412292 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 360: ] => Blitz\App-Blitz\App::defaultViewPath Blitz [T: 0,14165306091309 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 363: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14165711402893 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14166116714478 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14166402816772 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14213705062866 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => html:) [T: 0,14166903495789 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => html:[T: 0,1419141292572 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 161: ] => No view exists for apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14192199707031 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14192605018616 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14192914962769 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14193320274353 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,1419370174408 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14194107055664 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14190220832825 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => html:[T: 0,14168119430542 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 161: ] => No view exists for apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14168810844421 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14169216156006 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,1416962146759 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14170002937317 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14170408248901 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14170813560486 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [listName] => top [queryKey] => [queryValue] => [classes] => topList [min] => 1 [max] => 1000000000 [tplFile] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/deferred_image_loader.js] => ) [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/top-articles.css] => ) ) [T: 0,1417121887207 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14171600341797 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14172005653381 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,14172506332397 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,14172911643982 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [listName] => top [queryKey] => [queryValue] => [classes] => topList [min] => 1 [max] => 1000000000 [tplFile] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/deferred_image_loader.js] => ) [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/top-articles.css] => ) ) [T: 0,14175319671631 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,14175820350647 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [listName] => top [queryKey] => [queryValue] => [classes] => topList [min] => 1 [max] => 1000000000 [tplFile] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/deferred_image_loader.js] => ) [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/top-articles.css] => ) ) [T: 0,14176511764526 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => view:apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [T: 0,14177012443542 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => listName:top [T: 0,1417760848999 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => queryKey: [T: 0,14178013801575 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => queryValue: [T: 0,14178419113159 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => classes:topList [T: 0,14178800582886 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => min:1 [T: 0,1417920589447 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => max:1000000000 [T: 0,14179706573486 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => tplFile:apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [T: 0,14180302619934 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,1418080329895 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => javascripts4footer:Array [T: 0,14181303977966 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php [line] => 97 ) [T: 0,14181709289551 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => css:Array [T: 0,14182901382446 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/bcms/articleList [T: 0,14183521270752 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14183902740479 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 321: ] => adding controller to view [T: 0,14184403419495 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/articleList 1 [T: 0,14184808731079 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: bcms\articleList\View [T: 0,14185500144958 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14185905456543 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14186310768127 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14186716079712 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14187121391296 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 305: ] => default [T: 0,14187502861023 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14188122749329 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 360: ] => Blitz\App-Blitz\App::defaultViewPath Blitz [T: 0,14188504219055 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 363: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14189004898071 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14189410209656 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14189720153809 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14194416999817 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14194822311401 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14195108413696 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 305: ] => default [T: 0,14195513725281 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14195919036865 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 360: ] => Blitz\App-Blitz\App::defaultViewPath Blitz [T: 0,14196300506592 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 363: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14196705818176 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14197111129761 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14197421073914 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14210319519043 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14210605621338 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14211010932922 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 305: ] => default [T: 0,14211320877075 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14211702346802 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 360: ] => Blitz\App-Blitz\App::defaultViewPath Blitz [T: 0,14212107658386 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 363: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14212512969971 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14212918281555 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14213299751282 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,1419780254364 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => html:[T: 0,14198899269104 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 161: ] => No view exists for apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14199805259705 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14200210571289 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14200615882874 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,1420111656189 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14201617240906 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14202117919922 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] => ) [T: 0,14202499389648 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 265: ] => init [T: 0,14202809333801 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 268: ] => isArray [T: 0,14203310012817 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 305: ] => default [T: 0,14203715324402 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 521: ] => Blitz\Component-Blitz\Component::defaultViewPath [T: 0,14204216003418 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 360: ] => Blitz\App-Blitz\App::defaultViewPath Blitz [T: 0,14204621315002 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/App.php: 363: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14205002784729 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 309: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14205408096313 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 41: ] => Blitz\View::withJson apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14205718040466 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 42: ] => Array ( [html] => ) [T: 0,14206218719482 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 97: ] => html: [T: 0,14207315444946 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 161: ] => No view exists for apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,14208006858826 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 126: ] => apps/Blitz/ [T: 0,1420841217041 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 318: ] => adding controller to view? [T: 0,14208817481995 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,1420910358429 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 454: ] => Object: Blitz\View [T: 0,14209604263306 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14209914207458 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14249801635742 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14250206947327 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14250707626343 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14251112937927 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [data] => Array ( [logoImg] => [loginBtn] => Anmelden [continueReadingMsg] => Möchten Sie weiterlesen? [isSubscriberMsg] => Ja. Ich bin Abonnent. [notSubscribedMsg] => Haben Sie noch kein Konto? [loginUrl] => /bcms/login [registerMsg] => Registrieren [hereMsg] => Sie sich hier [wantSubscribeMsg] => Ja. Ich benötige ein Abo. [subscribeUrl] => /bcms/subscribe [offersMsg] => Abo Angebote ) ) [T: 0,14251518249512 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14251899719238 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/paywall 1 [T: 0,14252519607544 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14252805709839 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => apps/bcms/@custom/aof/@themes/demo/footer [T: 0,14253211021423 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14253520965576 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/footer 1 [T: 0,14280200004578 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: out [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/HtmlBuilder.php [line] => 115 ) [T: 0,14316606521606 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14317417144775 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,1431782245636 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14318299293518 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/header 1 [T: 0,14318799972534 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,1431941986084 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 303: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header.view.php [T: 0,14319801330566 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 304: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/header [T: 0,14320206642151 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 305: ] => Array ( [0] => apps [1] => bcms [2] => @themes/demo/header ) [T: 0,14320611953735 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 309: ] => @themes/demo/header [T: 0,14320921897888 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 310: ] => bcms [T: 0,14322304725647 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 322: ] => setLocale: | @themes.demo.header [T: 0,14322805404663 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 221: ] => Array ( ) [T: 0,1449031829834 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14491200447083 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.view.php [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/css/page.css] => [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/css/photo.css] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.css?20241016] => [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/pager.css] => ) [javascripts4header] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/vendor/PhotoViewerJS-master/js/photo.js?v=5] => ) [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [//{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/pager.js?v=20230413.2044] => [////{{BASE_URL}}apps/bcms/@themes/demo/banners.min.js?20240808] => ) ) [T: 0,14491701126099 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14492011070251 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,14492416381836 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 334: ] => not isIncluded:apps/bcms/tc [T: 0,14492702484131 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 341: ] => initHeaderAndFooter [T: 0,14493107795715 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,14493608474731 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 303: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.view.php [T: 0,14493918418884 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 304: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home [T: 0,14494299888611 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 305: ] => Array ( [0] => apps [1] => bcms [2] => @themes/demo/home ) [T: 0,14494800567627 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 309: ] => @themes/demo/home [T: 0,14495205879211 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 310: ] => bcms [T: 0,14496517181396 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 322: ] => setLocale: | @themes.demo.home [T: 0,14497017860413 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 212: ] => controller is set [T: 0,14497399330139 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php: 49: ] => [T: 0,14499402046204 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/blitz/list_controller.php: 88: ] => [T: 0,14500021934509 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/blitz/list_controller.php: 96: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,14500617980957 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 103: ] => GetData() [T: 0,14501118659973 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 104: ] => called bygetData [T: 0,145015001297 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 105: ] => Array ( [0] => [1] => list [2] => cms_categories ) [T: 0,14501905441284 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 106: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,14502310752869 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 107: ] => [T: 0,14502716064453 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 108: ] => 200 [T: 0,14503121376038 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 114: ] => checkuser false [T: 0,14503502845764 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 118: ] => name: cms_categories [T: 0,14504408836365 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: modelname [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1651 ) [T: 0,14505219459534 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 41: ] => Retrieve:cms_categories [T: 0,1450572013855 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php: 45: ] => Loaded model from cache:cms_categories [T: 0,14506316184998 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 134: ] => Object: api\BDModel [T: 0,14506912231445 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1045: ] => [T: 0,1450731754303 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1215: ] => [T: 0,14507818222046 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 158: ] => [T: 0,14508318901062 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 277: ] => list [T: 0,14508700370789 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1262: ] => getMysqlSelectList() [T: 0,14509606361389 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDModel.php [line] => 145 ) [T: 0,14510321617126 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1269: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => _localID [2] => name [3] => slug ) [T: 0,14510822296143 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1282: ] => Array ( [_localID] => Array ( [type] => int ) [_blitzID] => Array ( [type] => text ) [slug] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,1451141834259 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 3 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 1286 ) [T: 0,14512205123901 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,14512610435486 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _localID [1] => Array ( [type] => int ) ) [T: 0,14513301849365 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,14514017105103 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,14514422416687 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => _blitzID [1] => Array ( [type] => text ) ) [T: 0,14515018463135 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,14515519142151 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1296: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,14515900611877 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1304: ] => Array ( [0] => slug [1] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) ) [T: 0,14516520500183 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: index [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/BDDataTypeSelectTransformations.php [line] => 19 ) [T: 0,14517307281494 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 285: ] => varGroup:`_localID`,`_blitzID`,`slug` [T: 0,1451780796051 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 286: ] => LISTCONTROLLER var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug` [T: 0,14518213272095 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 291: ] => var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug` [T: 0,14518809318542 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/permissions/permissions.php: 216: ] => Blitz\permissions\permissions::getModelPermission() [T: 0,14519500732422 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 315: ] => Modelpermissions: 65 [T: 0,14520001411438 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 516: ] => User not checked [T: 0,14520621299744 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 615: ] => sort:_blitzstamp [T: 0,1452112197876 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 622: ] => sortvar:`_blitzstamp`, [T: 0,14521622657776 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 652: ] => `_Project`.`_objectpermission` [T: 0,14522004127502 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 655: ] => hasprojects1 [T: 0,14522814750671 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: mainFilterCondition [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 755 ) [T: 0,14523410797119 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 755: ] => mainFilterCondition: [T: 0,14523816108704 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 756: ] => var:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` [T: 0,14524221420288 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 757: ] => varMain:`cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` [T: 0,14524722099304 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: varJoin [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php [line] => 758 ) [T: 0,14525318145752 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 758: ] => varJoin: [T: 0,14525699615479 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 759: ] => permissionVarMain:'65' [T: 0,14526200294495 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 760: ] => JoinCondition: [T: 0,14526700973511 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 761: ] => Condition:`cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 [T: 0,14527201652527 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 762: ] => groupCondition: [T: 0,14527606964111 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 763: ] => joinForFKs: [T: 0,14528012275696 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 764: ] => condition `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1name: cms_categories [T: 0,14528918266296 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 839: ] => Query:SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,14529299736023 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 967: ] => SQL getData? SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,1453001499176 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 971: ] => SQL getData:SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,14530420303345 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 991: ] => SELECT `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp`, `cms_categories`.`_localID`,`cms_categories`.`_blitzID`,`cms_categories`.`slug`, '50' AS `_objectpermission` FROM `cms_categories` WHERE `cms_categories`.`project_fk` = 1 ORDER BY `cms_categories`.`_blitzstamp` DESC [T: 0,14567112922668 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/api/@libpub/BDList.php: 1026: ] => Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 95458341 [_localID] => 63 [_blitzID] => 1ku04l-1nqw917 [slug] => zum-gedenken [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 86281064 [_localID] => 62 [_blitzID] => 1fdaw8-1cvax0l [slug] => politik [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [2] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 61073691 [_localID] => 61 [_blitzID] => 10d0rf-38qmmo [slug] => [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57164498 [_localID] => 60 [_blitzID] => y18eq-2qq6tizn [slug] => seiserratsblick [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [4] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57098651 [_localID] => 59 [_blitzID] => xztln-32i492xg [slug] => kommentar [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [5] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090892 [_localID] => 58 [_blitzID] => xznm4-2mcezwm [slug] => root [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [6] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090858 [_localID] => 57 [_blitzID] => xznl6-wl4kfhv [slug] => maschwanden [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [7] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090647 [_localID] => 56 [_blitzID] => xznfb-2rk1k6r8 [slug] => cham [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [8] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090629 [_localID] => 55 [_blitzID] => xznet-2pl3ud82 [slug] => rotkreuz [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [9] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090572 [_localID] => 54 [_blitzID] => xznd8-1vd2uaev [slug] => hochdorf [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [10] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 57090488 [_localID] => 53 [_blitzID] => xznaw-2rosd7o6 [slug] => huenenberg [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [11] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 56815135 [_localID] => 52 [_blitzID] => xtqu7-1fohigq [slug] => jugend [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [12] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53815112 [_localID] => 38 [_blitzID] => w1g08-uws2rp [slug] => zumgedenken [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [13] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53812067 [_localID] => 37 [_blitzID] => w1dnn-8pzzm5 [slug] => publireportagen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [14] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 53207591 [_localID] => 35 [_blitzID] => vof8n-4nrmsg [slug] => vermischtes [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [15] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47721210 [_localID] => 34 [_blitzID] => setx6-1ye5lvc [slug] => senioren [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [16] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573135 [_localID] => 32 [_blitzID] => sbnnz-3wcfe9 [slug] => polizeimeldungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [17] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573128 [_localID] => 31 [_blitzID] => sbnns-1ajbj2x [slug] => leserbriefe [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [18] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 47573123 [_localID] => 30 [_blitzID] => sbnnn-1ysscey [slug] => vereine [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [19] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738324 [_localID] => 29 [_blitzID] => r8bx0-191810g [slug] => sins-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [20] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738306 [_localID] => 28 [_blitzID] => r8bwi-1fioome [slug] => oberruti-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [21] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738280 [_localID] => 27 [_blitzID] => r8bvs-1twghzp [slug] => muri-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [22] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738263 [_localID] => 26 [_blitzID] => r8bvb-1dmdp1o [slug] => muhlau-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [23] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738242 [_localID] => 25 [_blitzID] => r8buq-ttnfqf [slug] => dietwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [24] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738223 [_localID] => 24 [_blitzID] => r8bu7-1g3b12i [slug] => beinwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [25] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738197 [_localID] => 23 [_blitzID] => r8bth-10twtxz [slug] => auw-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [26] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45738175 [_localID] => 22 [_blitzID] => r8bsv-1qsxyd7 [slug] => abtwil-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [27] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680397 [_localID] => 21 [_blitzID] => r737x-1vdmimb [slug] => kirchliches [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [28] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680397 [_localID] => 20 [_blitzID] => r737x-mqbjn5 [slug] => gottesdienste [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [29] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680388 [_localID] => 19 [_blitzID] => r737o-8a5p3x [slug] => kinder [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [30] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680381 [_localID] => 18 [_blitzID] => r737h-1yxif6x [slug] => musik [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [31] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680378 [_localID] => 17 [_blitzID] => r737e-10tqu3o [slug] => region [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [32] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680376 [_localID] => 16 [_blitzID] => r737c-1qz6wgi [slug] => informationen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [33] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680365 [_localID] => 15 [_blitzID] => r7371-iojhaq [slug] => veranstaltungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [34] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680361 [_localID] => 14 [_blitzID] => r736x-o2em61 [slug] => fussball [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [35] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680359 [_localID] => 13 [_blitzID] => r736v-1ljddxj [slug] => sport [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [36] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680356 [_localID] => 12 [_blitzID] => r736s-a2t1d4 [slug] => merenschwand-offizielle-mitteilungen [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [37] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680352 [_localID] => 11 [_blitzID] => r736o-1p1vxph [slug] => merenschwand [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [38] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 8 [_blitzID] => r736l-1v3xj7l [slug] => dietwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [39] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 9 [_blitzID] => r736l-1ss41ug [slug] => oberruti [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [40] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680349 [_localID] => 10 [_blitzID] => r736l-1kbkbxy [slug] => muri [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [41] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680348 [_localID] => 7 [_blitzID] => r736k-1h74aum [slug] => sins [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [42] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680347 [_localID] => 6 [_blitzID] => r736j-mj9c0e [slug] => abtwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [43] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680347 [_localID] => 5 [_blitzID] => r736j-12rcgtw [slug] => beinwil [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [44] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680346 [_localID] => 4 [_blitzID] => r736i-t7vvfm [slug] => auw [_objectpermission] => 50 ) [45] => Array ( [_blitzstamp] => 45680343 [_localID] => 2 [_blitzID] => r736f-5p2e6k [slug] => muhlau [_objectpermission] => 50 ) ) [queryTime] => 0,00036382675170898 [pagination] => 45680343 [model] => Array ( [_localID] => 33 [_sort] => 0 [_projectsort] => 0 [_userID] => 1 [_blitzID] => cms_categories [_objectpermission] => 65 [_blitzstamp] => 0 [_modified] => 2024-07-26 12:23:19 [name] => cms_categories [label] => [hasuserpermissions] => 1 [subscriberemails] => [haslogs] => 1 [cache] => 0 [hasprojects] => 1 [project_fk] => [attributes] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [label] => Name [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) [slug] => Array ( [label] => Slug [type] => varchar [length] => 255 ) [project_fk] => Array ( [type] => _Project [display] => Array ( [list] => Array ( [hidden] => 1 ) ) ) [parent_fk] => Array ( [label] => u00dcberkategorie [type] => cms_categories ) ) [objectpermissionoptions] => Array ( [0] => 50 ) [defaultobjectpermission] => 0 [allowedit] => 1 [allowdelete] => 1 [hassort] => 0 [hasgroups] => 0 [hasexpiration] => 0 [haspublishingdate] => 0 [mobilecache] => 1 [modelpermission] => 65 [uniques] => [_blitzID_old] => cms-e9165b21 [hasAdditionalAttributes] => 0 ) ) [T: 0,14569401741028 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14570307731628 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14570999145508 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14571809768677 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14572501182556 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14573216438293 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14573907852173 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14574599266052 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,1457531452179 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14576005935669 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14576601982117 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14577221870422 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,1457781791687 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14578413963318 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14579010009766 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14579701423645 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14580321311951 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14580917358398 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14581513404846 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14582204818726 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14582800865173 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14583420753479 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14584112167358 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14584803581238 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14585518836975 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14586305618286 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14587020874023 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14587616920471 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14588212966919 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14588809013367 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14589500427246 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14590215682983 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14590907096863 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,145916223526 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14592409133911 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14593100547791 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14593720436096 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14594316482544 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14594912528992 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14595508575439 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14596199989319 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14596915245056 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14597606658936 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14598321914673 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14599108695984 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,14599800109863 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: name [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/tc.controller.php [line] => 32 ) [T: 0,21597814559937 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined variable: data [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Controller.php [line] => 104 ) [T: 0,21600103378296 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 214: ] => [T: 0,21600604057312 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 221: ] => [T: 0,21656918525696 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: tags [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/@themes/demo/home.view.php [line] => 7 ) [T: 0,21658611297607 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,21659207344055 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,1424241065979 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14242815971375 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14243221282959 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14243602752686 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [listName] => top [queryKey] => [queryValue] => [classes] => topList [min] => 1 [max] => 1000000000 [tplFile] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/deferred_image_loader.js] => ) [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/top-articles.css] => ) ) [T: 0,14243912696838 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14244222640991 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/articleList 1 [T: 0,14244699478149 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14245104789734 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14245414733887 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14245700836182 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14246106147766 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14246511459351 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,14246821403503 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,1424720287323 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14247512817383 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14247918128967 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] => ) [T: 0,14248204231262 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,14248609542847 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,14249014854431 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,14249420166016 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,22373199462891 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,22373509407043 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,22373914718628 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,22374320030212 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,22374606132507 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [data] => Array ( [logoImg] => [loginBtn] => Anmelden [continueReadingMsg] => Möchten Sie weiterlesen? [isSubscriberMsg] => Ja. Ich bin Abonnent. [notSubscribedMsg] => Haben Sie noch kein Konto? [loginUrl] => /bcms/login [registerMsg] => Registrieren [hereMsg] => Sie sich hier [wantSubscribeMsg] => Ja. Ich benötige ein Abo. [subscribeUrl] => /bcms/subscribe [offersMsg] => Abo Angebote ) ) [T: 0,2237491607666 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,22375202178955 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/paywall 1 [T: 0,2237560749054 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,22376012802124 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 303: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/paywall.view.php [T: 0,22376418113708 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 304: ] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/paywall [T: 0,22376799583435 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 305: ] => Array ( [0] => apps [1] => bcms [2] => @themes/demo/paywall ) [T: 0,2237720489502 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 309: ] => @themes/demo/paywall [T: 0,22377514839172 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 310: ] => bcms [T: 0,22379112243652 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 322: ] => setLocale: | @themes.demo.paywall [T: 0,22379612922668 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 221: ] => Array ( [logoImg] => [loginBtn] => Anmelden [continueReadingMsg] => Möchten Sie weiterlesen? [isSubscriberMsg] => Ja. Ich bin Abonnent. [notSubscribedMsg] => Haben Sie noch kein Konto? [loginUrl] => /bcms/login [registerMsg] => Registrieren [hereMsg] => Sie sich hier [wantSubscribeMsg] => Ja. Ich benötige ein Abo. [subscribeUrl] => /bcms/subscribe [offersMsg] => Abo Angebote ) )) [T: 0,21659517288208 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,21660017967224 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,21660399436951 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,21660900115967 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,21661305427551 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [view] => apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [listName] => top [queryKey] => [queryValue] => [classes] => topList [min] => 1 [max] => 1000000000 [tplFile] => apps/bcms/@themes/demo/tpl/mainArticle.tpl [javascripts4footer] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/js/deferred_image_loader.js] => ) [css] => Array ( [apps/bcms/@themes/demo/assets/css/top-articles.css] => ) ) [T: 0,21661615371704 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,21661901473999 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/bcms/articleList 1 [T: 0,21713614463806 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,21772313117981 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,21800303459167 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 20q0zp-3p9ttx [T: 0,21809506416321 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,21828818321228 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,21845602989197 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 20bhwo-1sszr9 [T: 0,21853113174438 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,21866106987 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,21876811981201 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 20bhx0-9ipb9u [T: 0,2188401222229 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,21895599365234 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,21905112266541 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 20bhxl-1otxo95 [T: 0,21912813186646 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,2192690372467 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,21940207481384 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1zwhru-1t0ia47 [T: 0,21948218345642 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,2196249961853 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,21976113319397 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1zlhw0-1cew53r [T: 0,21982502937317 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,21996712684631 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22010612487793 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1y5m5e-xs7c8b [T: 0,22017312049866 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22031021118164 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,2204442024231 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1xfniu-1as6zte [T: 0,22051000595093 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22067618370056 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22084808349609 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1wprg2-zgle7w [T: 0,22090601921082 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22097706794739 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22102212905884 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1wprhg-1pylo8c [T: 0,221107006073 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22117900848389 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22122406959534 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1wcsxs-1gjp7c9 [T: 0,22128415107727 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22139620780945 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,2214891910553 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1vzrr2-q8rnb5 [T: 0,22156310081482 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22167420387268 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22177004814148 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1vms9h-1hob89i [T: 0,22184014320374 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22194719314575 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22203707695007 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1u7028-vqy9pm [T: 0,22210621833801 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22217917442322 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22222399711609 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1t55m9-1vcp7cl [T: 0,22230100631714 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22241115570068 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22250199317932 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1t55na-b1q0mj [T: 0,22256517410278 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22272920608521 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22289705276489 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1t55o0-n7tczr [T: 0,22296905517578 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22303915023804 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22308015823364 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1sr6da-txyepx [T: 0,22314620018005 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22325301170349 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22334313392639 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1sr6et-80pdx1 [T: 0,22341203689575 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined offset: 1 [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 80 ) [T: 0,22351813316345 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Array to string conversion [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 294 ) [T: 0,22360301017761 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php: 309: ] => add 1sr6ew-1fb9rfi [T: 0,22361707687378 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/framework_functions/errorHandling.php: 33: ] => Array ( [level] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: firstsort [file] => /var/www/anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/apps/bcms/articleList.view.class.php [line] => 401 ) [T: 0,22366404533386 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,22367000579834 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,22367310523987 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,22367811203003 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,22368216514587 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,22368621826172 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,22368907928467 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>) [T: 0,22369313240051 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,22369718551636 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,22370004653931 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,22370505332947 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,22370910644531 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] => ) [T: 0,22371220588684 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 328: ] => view Already created [T: 0,22371602058411 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 331: ] => isIncluded?apps/Blitz/ 1 [T: 0,22372007369995 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/View.php: 195: ] => Blitz\View::renderHtml [T: 0,22372508049011 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 261: ] => Blitz\Component::initView [T: 0,22372913360596 /anzeiger-oberfreiamt.ch/lib/blitz/Component.php: 262: ] => Array ( [html] =>